Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Southern Tier Animal Control is a 501c(3) Non-Profit Animal Protective organization. The information provide to STAC by completing this form will enable us to direct you towards an appropriate, rewarding experience. Please complete all form and send via link below STAC or mailPersonal Information: Name / First and Last *Current Street Address-- *Current State *Current Zip Code *Cell PhoneHome PhoneEmailName of Parent/Guardian if under 18Emergency Contact: Name-- *RelationshipPrimary PhoneSecondaryPhoneVolunteer Profile: Please describe any present or past volunteer work:OrganizationPositionWhat type of animal experience do you have?Availability: Are you volunteering to fulfill court ordered community service requirement:? Yes or No *If yes how many hours?What days are you available list allWhat hours are you able to volunteer? List all hours weekdays and weekendsDo You Have any allergies or physical conditions that might affect your volunteer work. If so please describe.Which species are you most comfortable working with and handling? Cats Dogs or bothWhat areas would you like to participate? List in box below -- Special Fundraising events -- Adoptions (special off site adoption events) --Community Involvement -- Shelter Care (am/pm animal care/cleaning, dog walking, general housekeeping) --Grooming animal (bathing, brushing, etc) -- Leash training/walking -- Training/Teaching Commands -- General socialization -- Driving the animals to and from adoption events -- Transporting animals to and from Vet appointments -- Yard work/building maintenance -- Do you have any special skills, training, interests or hobbies you would like to share? *Volunteer Agreement -- I agree to the following terms and conditions intending to be legally bonding to them -- I will abide by the mission, rules, regulations, policies and programs of STAC while I am a volunteer -- As a condition of volunteering, which I acknowledge to be adequate consideration, I also agree to enter into an additional confidentiality agreement as well as a waiver of liability with this volunteer agreement. The above conditions have been reviewed with me and I understand that failing to uphold them is sufficient grounds for STAC to request and implement my removal as a volunteer. By typing your name below you are agreeing to the agreement in total Please type your name the date and if applicable Parent/Guardian name (if under 18) *Confidentiality Agreement Information concerning the management and operation of our organization is generally not known to the public and should be kept confidential. The following guidelines have been developed for this purpose. Guidelines for protecting confidentiality -- Confidential information should only be shared with those inside the organization whose jobs require them to have access to the information or when the law requires or protects the release of such information -- Board Members, Employees, or Volunteers should not disclose sensitive or non-public places -- Documents containing sensitive information - including information stored on computer systems-should be handled carefully and must be properly stored. I have read and understand the above and agree to comply with STAC;s Confidentiality Agreement. By typing your name and date below is the same as your signature *Liability Release Waiver -- I recognize that while preforming my services in a voluntary capacity in handling animals there may be risk of injury. On behalf of myself, my heire, and personal representatives I hereby release and hold harmless STAC, its Board of Directors, agents,, and employees from any and all claims, causes of action or demands of any nature or cause connected to my volunteer service, -- I also agree to release and hold STAC harmless for any and all damaged to my personal property while preforming my volunteer services. -- If I am signing this release form as a parent or legal guardian of a minor volunteer (under 18 years of age), I hereby give consent to allow my child to volunteer services for STAC. I agree to hold STAC harmless for any claim, loss, or injury incurred by such child. --I acknowledge that I have read and fully understand the terms and conditions of the foregoing liability release waiver. By typing your name and date below is the same as your signature *Submit